
Civil Engineering

LandTech provides a wide range of civil engineering design services in connection with commercial, industrial and residential projects. Below are descriptions of some of the types of professional civil engineering services we provide to our clients.

Land Development Design

LandTech offers land development design services for residential, commercial, and industrial projects. Land development designs will typically include topographic / property boundary land surveys and mapping, erosion and sediment control, site layout planning and design, roadway plan and profiles, grading plans, stormwater management, domestic water and sanitary sewer utilities, and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and associated permits, and layout for construction.

Erosion and Sediment Control

Control of stormwater runoff during a construction project is an important element of the land development process. Erosion and sediment controls reduce impacts to receiving waterways during phases of the project with land disturbance. State and local government regulations determine the land disturbance area thresholds for projects requiring erosion and sediment control plans. LandTech provides the planning and design services to meet applicable regulatory requirements.

Site Layout Planning and Design

LandTech works with our clients during the planning and design stages of their project to provide all the necessary site development elements. We will review local ordinances to determine property line setbacks, zoning restrictions, and site design criteria. We will prepare concept plan drawings showing features such as building footprints, roadways, parking lots, sidewalks, and utility services, just to name a few.

Roadway Plan and Profiles

Many land development projects require new roadways to access their site. LandTech’s design staff will work with state and local government roadway officials to provide the necessary roadway design elements for your project, including intersection location on existing roads, sight distance measurements, horizontal and vertical alignment layout, pavement sections, and stormwater runoff controls.

Grading Plans

In many instances, earthwork construction cost represents a significant portion of a land development project. LandTech aims to prepare grading plans that minimize and balance earthwork excavation and fills, critical to a successful land development project.

Stormwater Management

While water may be a vital natural resource, it can also be the source of major post-construction problems. Flooding and water intrusion into buildings can pose serious problems for site owners. Our stormwater management designs include pipes and other infrastructure elements necessary to collect and transport stormwater runoff in a safe, cost effective manner to prevent flooding at critical site elements.

Domestic Water and Sanitary Sewer Utilities

The availability of potable water and sanitary sewers or drain-fields are an essential part of any land development project, especially those that serve residential, office and retail needs. LandTech will design utility systems, including pipes, valves, manholes, and vaults, necessary to meet this critical service element.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and Associated Permits

The Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (TDEC) has issued regulations governing discharges of stormwater associated with construction activities, including the preparation of SWPPPs. In some instances, local governments have established additional restrictions. Other permitting issues that can impact a project include wetlands, streams, and stormwater quality. LandTech has the expertise to guide clients through this important process.

Subsurface Sewage Disposal System (SSDS) Design

Many of our projects are located in rural areas without a central public sanitary sewer system. Land development is difficult, or impossible, without existing public sewers. A cost effective way to develop property in areas without existing sewers is through the use of decentralized wastewater treatment systems. LandTech has SSDS design experience, including low pressure pipe (LPP) systems with septic tanks, pump tanks, pumping systems, low pressure sewer mains, and disposal fields.

FEMA Letters of Map Change (LOMC)

LandTech can provide the engineering services necessary to develop land in and near to flood prone areas. Development in these areas may require obtaining a LOMC from FEMA, which is necessary to amend or revise an existing Special Flood Hazard Area shown on a FIRM map. In addition to providing any land surveying services necessary, LandTech can prepare and submit applications to FEMA, including required hydrologic and hydraulic calculations, in order to amend or revise a FEMA FIRM map in connection with your development project.
